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面積: 40坪

主要建材: 大理石、鋼刷木皮、毛絲面不銹鋼板、烤漆鐵件、仿清水模塗料、黑鏡、木地板

位置: 台灣 台北

​設計師: Jae






Within this 120-square-meter apartment in Taiwan, instead of fitting the traditional layout to its new use, new functionality was fit to the space. We wrapped the space with lines and layers horizontally and vertically, and minimized color usage to allow natural lights and materials to lead the tone. The scheme of line and layer simultaneously unite and divide the space, it also brings out the context of space and objects. Utilizing natural light pouring in through the windows, it emphasizes the play between materials and those that are soft, matte and raw.


We kept a smooth circulation that allows children to run around, play hide and seek, or even hide themselves in one of the lower cabinets. In addition, a dull hallway has transformed into another playground by installing monkey bar and turned one bedroom into rock climbing spot. When children are done with playtime and working on schoolwork in the study room, parents can observe them through hallway windows without interrupting them when entering or existing the study.


Our goal is to establish a space of calm environment with hidden adventurous, and provide intimacy without cutting off the open feeling of the space. Nevertheless, we want this apartment to be treated as one of the family members, who is sophisticated with a playful heart.

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